Archive for June, 2009

Fourth of July

Fireworks in Bar Harbor

Fireworks in Bar Harbor

sah-july4-103sah-july4-105In Bar Harbor  the Fourth of July starts with a pancake breakfast, a parade, a lobster festival for lunch and finally a fabulous fireworks celebration! It is one of the best fireworks displays I’ve ever seen. A great day!

Photo Tip: To shoot fireworks bring a tripod, and cable release. Experiment with exposures on manual, with the lens on bulb. Start by trying  ISO 100 f8 leave the lense open for 2-3 fireworks. Sometimes “Auto” works well too but tripod is still needed! Have fun!

First Days of Summer

Cadillac Mountain Sunrise

Cadillac Mountain Sunrise photo©Sue Anne Hodges

The first days of summer offer special opportunities for photographers. The sun rises and sets at it’s northern most location. So places on the north side of the island  or places that face north will get light that they don’t get other times of the year. Every year I plan accordingly and try to be in the right place at the right time. My biggest challenge was a few years ago when I decided I wanted to get a shot of the sun rising over the Porcupine Islands. Little did I know it would take me 3 years to get the shot!

Many mornings began with overcast skies or fog rolling in. But I kept returning in hopes of that perfect sunrise.

fogged-in-sunriseOn one morning that looked like it had possibilities, I had high hopes and was frustrated when driving to the top of Cadillac Mountain there was a traffic jam! It turned out a commercial for the new Chevy Impala was being filmed. 

cadillac2-200How frustrated I felt…They were going to get the shot I wanted! But they too were having trouble getting any sun. We were eventually allowed to pass through and yet again, met with a disappointing sunrise. On the way back down the  mountain we were stopped again. Luckily my husband was with me , and he was driving. So while he waited, I jumped out and got a nice  shot of the sun breaking through. The advertising crew was happy and so was I. But it was still another  year before I would finally get the image I wanted. Finally a beautiful clear morning and a view of the sunrise and the islands. About 20 other people were there that morning but no one was more thankful than I was for that glorious view. (Sunrise can be seen anytime of year from Cadillac Mountain but it is much further to the right in framing it. So shots of it don’t show the islands too.)

Sunrise on the first day of summer is around 4:45 a.m. so make sure you are up early and on top of the mountain by  at least 4:30.  Some of the best images are actually just before the sun comes up!  And don’t forget sunset is also at the northern most point in the west. For either there are plenty of other good spots including right in Bar Harbor which is on the northern part of the island!

For more images of Cadillac Mountain, Bar Harbor, and Acadia National Park go to my site at